Are you in a toxic relationship? Do you feel that you're being controlled, manipulated, or constantly belittled? Well, that's a sign you're in a toxic relationship.
We all know that we didn't start with an unhealthy relationship or want the relationship to be toxic. But thing happens the way it's right now because the person we fell for has turned out to be a toxic one, or perhaps that toxic one is a ticking time bomb; it's just a matter of time until it explodes.
Almost all relationships begin with a healthy mind and in the realm of caring; As you spend more time together and your relationship is tested, the flaws can start to build up until you feel like you have nothing positive to say. The flaw will manifest into broken trust, lack of respect, or resentment of an unmet desire. Unfortunately, flaws in a relationship happen to anyone, even the strongest people.
An unhealthy relationship contaminates your self-esteem, happiness, and how you see yourself and the world around you. A sufferer in an abusive relationship will sail through life with a track of broken hearts, broken promises, and broken personalities. Instead of accepting the results of an unhealthy relationship, work on identifying the issue and make necessary changes.
So, when you recognize the flaws, instead of fighting to hold on to something that is not worth fighting, the only thing left to do is let go with grace and love and move on with dignity.

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